MTM Week 1 Discussion

What wireless technology has had the greatest impact on today’s society and why?


Many wireless technologies have had a major impact on today’s society.  From cell phones to Wi-Fi to Bluetooth, it’s hard to find an area in everyday life that wireless advancements haven’t touched.  Though it’s hard to narrow down a single technology, smartphones in my opinion have had the most significant influence in today’s society.


Smartphones have given us the ability to communicate and find information, in ways never previously available.  From a communication standpoint, smartphones allow us to connect with others in multiple platforms.  Text messaging, social media messaging, video conferencing, or just plain talking on the phone… our world is made smaller through the use of a smartphone.  Finding information, too, is a key benefit of smartphones.  Having access to the Internet and mobile apps brings any needed information to our fingertips.  The number of individual items that the smartphone replaces (alarm clocks, phone books, calendars, etc.) makes our lives more convenient and efficient.


Growth in smartphone usage continues to rise, too.  A recent survey by Neilsen shows that more than 3 out of 5 cell phone users in the U.S. (61%) own smartphones.  This is up more than 10% from just one year prior.  These numbers not only shows the popularity in smartphones in today’s society, but also the impact they will continue to have in years to come.


Mobile Majority: U.S. Smartphone Ownership Tops 60%. (n.d.). Retrieved from–u-s–smartphone-ownership-tops-60-.html